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  • Writer's pictureZaima Bajwa

Stardust Drive-In: Why You Have to Go!

December 4th, 2021

Everyone should experience going to a drive-in theatre at least once in their lifetime. I had, the most memorable time ever... in a bad way.

Unfortunately, drive-in theatres usually tend to close up when it starts getting cold, so I get to recall my experience from summertime. When I went to Stardust for the first time ever in August, it was raining and really humid. Ontario was in lockdown and we had arrived about 20 minutes before the movie started. I was so sure that we would be able to find a good spot to park our car and have enough time to get some food. I could not have been more wrong. Since movie theatres and malls and restaurants were closed, the drive-in was especially busy, despite the fact that it was a Monday night. It took us (my mom, my sister and I) about 10 minutes to actually get into the theatre because of all the traffic with the other cars. It took us another 15 minutes to find parking, for which, we were not able to find a good spot, much to our demise.

Once we finally parked our car, my sister and I got out. to get some food. To make matters worse, the line was really long and it was raining. The line went almost completely around the concession building. It ended up taking an hour for us to finally give our order. To our surprise, the drive-in had a huge variety of food. In the end, we placed an order for a popcorn, candy, an extra large drink (that I spilled), a corn dog, and a bowl of poutine. The food was actually quite decent for the amount of time we had to wait, it tasted fresh and good for the most part. My only issue was that the corn dog was a little cold, other than that, the food was great.

The employees were all really nice and helpful when I asked them for recommendations. When I got our drink, I immediately spilled it, which was terribly embarassing. I repeatedly apologized to the employees for my mistake and offered to help clean. They were all really nice about it and told me not to worry about it and that they would get it. They got me another drink, I gave them a BIG tip, and returned to my car.

` Once we returned to our car, my sister and I were a little uncomfortable. We were damp because of the drizzle, and our shoes were dirty because of stepping in muddy potholes. We didn't realize that we could open up our trunk and watch the movie from there. The whole time my sister and I were ducking our heads a little down and leaning forward to see the theatre.

Although a lot of the things I said aren't glowingly positive, I did have a lot of fun. It was a new experience and I learned a lot from it. If you ever plan on going to a drive-in, try to get there about an hour before your show starts and make sure it isn't raining, or else you'll feel all icky. I hope to return to the theatre again in the springtime and hopefully leave with a better experience.

Leave your comments below. Have you ever been to a drive-in? Would you ever want to?

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1 Comment

Adelina Zhao
Adelina Zhao
Jan 03, 2022

I’ve never been at a drive-in but it sounds like fun

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