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  • Writer's pictureZaima Bajwa

SilverCity - Cineplex Theatres: Review

Updated: Jan 3, 2022

November 24th, 2021

This weekend, I visited the Richmond Hill location Cineplex - SilverCity theatres to check out the new Williams biography film; King Richard starring Will Smith (you can read my review in the film section). After my experience, I can confidently say that Cineplex theatres is the worst theatre I have ever been to.

First off, entering the theatre, you'll notice that the only adequate resolution of the theatre is the employees. They are all incredibly patient and kind with customers and very helpful. However, you can smell the lack of organization a mile away. The cinema has several ticket stations open, a lot of them are either out of order or glitching horribly. I had to ask an employee to come help me buy my ticket in-person. The poor employees are scrambling, running around trying to put out a million fires at once.

The other thing that was simply abysmal, was their food. When you go to a theatre, you don't expect much from their food, only that it tastes adequate. SilverCity offers a wide selection of food package deals. I bought a doubles combo for my sister and myself. The popcorn tasted so stale, as if it were made yesterday! The concession attendants give cups to the customers to fill up their own drinks at one of three different electronic machines where you can select what beverage you desire on a touch screen. I'm about 95% sure that machine was messed up. I chose a Sprite to drink and was given Coca Cola. I didn't care enough to do anything about it, and just went on with my night.

I decided to do a second trip to Cineplex where I only ate foods from the other in-store restaurants they have. It's kind of like a food court in a mall. My sister and I split a pizza and some frozen yogurt, which also sucked! The pizza was soggy and a little burned at the bottom. The frozen yogurt also had a chalky texture to it, it was anything but appealing. Not to mention, their food is ridiculously overpriced. A bottle of water from the vending machine was $4.75! In my opinion, if you plan to come to Cinplex and buy food, it will probably take years for you to financially recover from the fiscal damage. Getting a popcorn combo from SilverCity will probably do worse damage than a three-course meal at the Cheesecake Factory. The smartest thing you can do is sneak in some of your own food from home, it will save you TONS of money.

Another thing I don't like about Cineplex is the enormity of the theatre. There are about 14 auditoriums in the Richmond Hill location, all of which are huge. Personally, I don't feel comfortable in such huge, crowded places, I get a lot of anxiety and stresses. The auditoriums are huge so there's probably enough space for over 120 people to sit in a single auditorium. What's worse, is that Cineplex does not enforce distanced seating whatsoever. Although some people try to sit apart from each other, sometimes you can't help but to be caught sitting in a busy auditorium with strangers sitting right by your side. The more people there are in a theatre, the greater risk of dispute or disrespect or annoyance among other individuals. When my sister and I were watching 'King Richard,' there was a couple people in front of us and behind us who would not stop talking. As someone who comes to see a movie to enjoy it and relax, it's the worst thing when there are other completely inconsiderate individuals who spoil a movie for others with non-stop babbling. Personally, I feel that those who talk a lot during a movie and loudly, are just disrespecting all the other people surrounding them, who have come here to SEE A MOVIE! It is infuriating.

When the film was over, I noticed a lot of people were leaving beind their food and drink in their cup holders or on the ground. I also noticed that there was so much popcorn on the ground, it seemed as if people were deliberately throwing popcorn down there as opposed to eating it. I felt horrible for the employees who had to clean this huge mess, in addition sanatizing everything. It didn't feel right to leave such a mess for others to clean, I think it was very disrespectful. There may be some people who argue that it's their job and so I shouldn't feel bad. In a way, those people are correct. However, even if it's their job, I believe that as consumers we should try to be considerate of them and make their jobs a little easier. At the end of the day, these employees are the ones working to the bone and yet, they're only making minimum wage. A lot of these employees are also young teenagers or university students who are only working to provide for themselves and survive. I have deep respect for the employees who work long shifts and deal with rude customers all day long. I feel that everyone should have that same respect for each other.

With all the negatives, there is another positive to the Cineplex theatres. Almost every Cinplex theatre offers a little. arcade for kids to play. Anytime I'm waiting for a movie to start, I'll usually play air hockey or some other game with my sister as we wait. I think it's a joyous activity to implement in the theatre, it certainly makes customers happy.

Let me know if I'm the only one who's had a bad experience with Cineplex. What were your experiences like? I suppose it's not always the same for everyone, especially depending on location. I hope to visit some more Cineplex theatres in the future, maybe I'll have a better encounter with another location.

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1 Comment

Adelina Zhao
Adelina Zhao
Jan 03, 2022

I agree, although cineplex is huge it wouldn’t be my go to cinema.

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