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  • Writer's pictureZaima Bajwa

Halloween Kills: A Review

This is an undeniably odd film.

On one hand, I really appreciate how this installment of the Halloween franchise feels different and unique from any of the other iterations we’ve seen before. Unlike its previous films, this story specifically focuses on the town of Haddonfield as a whole, and the traumatizing effects that Michael Myers has had on its citizens. In my opinion, this was both an interesting and smart direction to take the film.

However, on the other hand, this movie is also embedded with a handful of issues. For one, the structure is completely all over the place. In trying to focus in on the town as a whole, the movie largely comes off as scattered and unfocused, without much sense of purpose or management. Furthermore the themes, too, are relatively unfinished and unresolved. The movie has a somewhat significant sequence specifically dedicated to the ramifications of mob mentality, and it serves as one of the main climaxes in the second act. However, once the sequence is concluded, the theme is completely dropped and the subplot is never mentioned again.

The tone of this movie, too, is exceedingly inconsistent. It wants to be frighteningly gruesome and emotionally impactful, but simultaneously comical and humorous; this clash of character results in a product that feels uncertain of what it wants to be.

Overall, I appreciate how intriguing and fresh this iteration of the franchise feels, but at the same time, there’s too many problems to look past in order to garner a positive rating. I did enjoy my experience watching it, but never once did I think it was worthy of a good score.

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